This is my engagement ring.
I fully adore it. We looked together online, found one I liked which I went to go and see and in the process, I ran into this one and I loved it.
It made me feel like a princess.
I LOVE this ring. It is precious to me.
I think it's incredible and it is completely perfect for me and exceedingly thoughtful of him.
Whenever (and I mean every time) I look at my ring I envision the brilliant ruby in the center representing his loving HEART- beating that strong and sure only for me- and it is soooooo incredibly sweet to me that most days when I get home I do not pause at the door, oh no! I RACE up the stairs throwing myself at his feet as soon as I can get near enough to do so, BEGGING with all that I am for him to allow me just one more time to ravage him and try to squelch the insatiable hunger that has been tormenting me, through that sweet red rock on my left ring finger for the better part of each and every day.
He has read this now and is thinking Oh yea, thats what she does every single day alright....
This completely sucks for me!
I was already leaving later than I should have to get to work on time, and still, fully aware-
it is going to SUCK!
to spend the entire day without my ring on -
I gasped loudly inward slamming on my brakes and thought to myself:
SELF: "I'll just pull back in and race to the door, grab the tinkerbell key, unlock the deadbolt, pause to shut the door tightly while ignoring the disillusioned poodle that will be ecstatic to see me though I have been gone all of 60 seconds, race up the stairs, get the ring, back down, tightly shutting and bolt locking the door, re-hiding the key, back to the car, back out, race to work."
"Did I leave my monitor on?"
But instead of all of that I did the right thing. (!%$#?) I know that there isn't really time for me to go back in and as I roll forward and slip it into second and then third gears I try to console myself by reminding me that it's only one day...
Just one.
I know you and every other woman (non-divorced) has been wearing their rings for the past 20, 30, 40 and in rare occasions 72 years... but I take mine off.
Otherwise I might hurt my man...
Who wants to hear "ouch your ring hurts!" from the man whom you love?
Not I.
(Fact: I have known 2 couples who were married over 70 years)
((I have))
And honestly, the idea that in the middle of the night, (since I am SUCH a brain dead zombie when I am sleeping) that I may take it off or snag it and rip it off and then my ring will be lost- really freaks me out.
Granted, my ring won't have been able to have gone very far since in my hypothetical scenario I was in bed asleep, thats true- but you have to admit it is amazing the way the remote, socks, underwear and other random items tend to get tangled up in the sheet then somehow - stealthily even- they slip off the end of the bed undetected, yet still behind the foot board and out of sight where it has now made it to The Underneath of The Bed which is where the poodle or the cat or whatever mysteries go on under the bed mess with whatever it is you have lost and are still (coincidentally) frantically looking for on TOP of the bed and then it just ends up lost forever until you pay good money to replace it anyway forcing the old object to reappear and YOU are completely screwed.
I would be.
I don't want that to happen to my ring.
So yea, I take it off before I go to bed ok.
Today has been our 53 Monthiversary.
53 months!
One thing I have really enjoyed about being in a long term relationship where we weren't talking about marriage (when we weren't buying rings and gowns and reserving spaces and creating invitations and stuff like that) was Monthiversaries... every month!
I LOVE them!
(I LOVE HIM!!!!)
And ok, we don't make a BIG deal out of every single month- we have taken turns neglecting to notice it was the 7'th day of the month- but one of us always does remember and usually every other month or so we DO do something special to celebrate the awesomeness of our relationship and indeed our luck in finding one another when no one on Eharmony would have us, (me) and Monthiversaries are just a special thing we share that I totally enjoy. Everyone should try it, but if you do, just keep in mind that it started with us.
Numerology is any of many systems, traditions or beliefs in a mystical or esoteric relationship between numbers and physical objects or living things.
Digit summing
Numerologists often reduce a number or word by a process known as digit summing, then reach conclusions based on the single digit that is produced.
Digit summing, as the name implies, involves taking the sum of all of the digits in a number, and repeating the process as necessary until a single-digit answer is produced. For a word, the values corresponding to each letter's place in the alphabet (e.g., A=1, B=2, through Z=26) are summed.
- 3,489 → 3 + 4 + 8 + 9 = 24 → 2 + 4 = 6
- Hello → 8 + 5 + 12 + 12 + 15 = 52 → 5 + 2 = 7
A quicker way to arrive at a single-digit "summation" is simply to take the value modulo 9, substituting a 0 result with 9 itself.
Chinese number definitions
Cantonese frequently assign the following definitions, which may differ in other forms of Chinese:
- 一 —
- 二 — easy
- 三 — live
- 四 — considered unlucky since the pronunciation of 4 (sì ) sounds like the word for death or suffering (sǐ ).
- 五 — the self, me, myself, nothing, never
- 六 — easy and smooth, all the way.
- 七 — a slang/vulgar word in Cantonese.
- 八 — sudden fortune, prosperity
- 九 — long in time, a slang/vulgar word in Cantonese
- 十 — sure
SO as you can see... if you have the number 53... you have to make it smaller.... get just a single digit.... 5+3 = 8 Which I interpret to mean : This month Nicholas and I are going to live for ourselves, prosperously. Which is always a good thing really.
Don't you think?
Since it is important to always give your reader the other side of the coin I decided to also print this post I came across while looking for the significance of the #53
The post was created by someone named "Carl" and definitely sheds light on the negative and strangely eerie side of Numerology...
Dear Readers, Recently an individual using the nick "OBVES" has predicted "impending destruction" in the year 2011 by using the occult practice known as numerology. This individual is also holding up Harold Camping (a false prophet who predicted the return of Jesus in 1994) and the Watchtower Bible And Tract Society (an cult known, in part, for setting end time dates that didn't come to pass -- dates such as 1874, 1914, and 1974 among others) as reliable sources to support his claim. However, numerology is pure bunkum as well as a form of divination, something that God abhors. So why is "OBVES" going against God and turning to divination? That's something only "OBVES" can and should answer. In the meantime, I submit the following article by Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon on the topic of numerology. May God bless, Carl
It's something to think about I guess...
Daaaaannnngg. who knew?????