Went to Texas this week for work.
Houston to be exact.
I went with my bossS and one of my co managers, "B" because we had a conference to go to.
We rented a Garmin GPS when we picked up our rental car to help us get around.
It would have been an excellent tool had I been able to find the "Enter Address" option sooner.
Ummm - yah.
The three of us had frozen margaritas at Chili's and retired back to our hotel rooms. Mine had a HUGE bed with a posh down comforter that looked lumpy from a distance and would have been so much more fun if N was there to enjoy it with me- but we chatted on the phone together he and I and that wasn't bad. I'm happy for technology.

What the hell?
I really didn't understand it at all.
It seemed like in the appendages of every building I was in there was nothing but stuffy Texas heat. That also included our airplane and a long delay we shared together on our runway waiting to get to Dallas.
Highlights of my trip:
- We all caught not one but 2 stand by flights and got home probably 3 hours earlier than we were supposed to!
- My co-manager "B" passing the air sick bag down to my bossS every time the turbulence scared her a little bit.
- My bossS telling us that she noticed there were 4 holes in the wall in her room where a picture should have been hung, it was creepy and she was afraid someone might be watching her through them.. but then she figured out there were little peg things in each of the holes and felt better about it.
- Playing Guitar Hero on the DS when we were finally allowed to turn our electronics on and getting a bad score because I haven't played for a few weeks and then loudly grumbling "Argh!#*%" (not swearing, just grumbling) but having B and BossS think I didn't know I was being (a little) loud, or could hear them with my headphones in and so doing it again "ARGH&#!" while they squirmed in their seats saying, shhhhh your being loud.... (hehe) I'm a rebel.
- We were a little lost trying to find the locale for our conference but we thought maybe we found it even though the address didn't match up. B was driving and she pulled up to the door telling me to hop out and see if we were in the right spot- which I did. As I went to pull the door open I found out the doors were not only automatic, but opened very quickly with a little gust of (surprisingly) air conditioned air (I work for a good company) which blew my hair back dramatically as I stood there int he door. It all startled me, particularly the doors, so I just sort of stood there with my hair blowing back as the doors opened the rest of the way, but there were folks there at the front desk and they were staring at me SO- I smiled BIG, spread my arms and said "ta da!" which made them (and me) laugh and they confirmed we had indeed found the spot we were looking for.
Comical Low Lights:
SO, B and I drove together to the airport. I parked the car, pulled my brief case and my little over night carry on out of the trunk, sling my purse over my shoulder and start to shut the trunk and all of a sudden I gasp, mid-trunk-shut as I realize that they are going to count my purse as another bag- so I can't take it. Argh!
There I am quickly trying to transfer my important purse stuff into my overnight bag, while stuffing important things like my wallet and my boarding pass and my gum into places where I'll be able to find it all. ACK!
All of a sudden I went from the cool traveler woman which I AM to a scattered woman.
I start to walk away and B points out that my car door is still open, (ARGH) I shut it and freak momentarily because I'm not sure where I stuck my keys... long story short, eventually I have it all together and we walk away from my car and into the terminal where as we pass through security I break the nail on my right middle finger which I grumble about to the female security guard who smiles at me knowingly until I hold the finger up for her inspection and say:
"It's not like it's a big deal... it's just that now I have a weapon."
I realized what I was saying as soon as I was saying it, sometimes I can really be a dip shit, but the security guard raised her eyebrows, smiled, and I put my shoes on and headed to find my bossS. Finally there I recap for my bossS the events from car to terminal, B is nodding her head, rolling her eyes and confirming it all as I talk and goes on to tell more about my disorganization as I sigh and pull out my phone to call N, phone to my ear and then on my shoulder until I could get situated I bent over looping my arm through the handles of my brief case and stood to swing it over my shoulder and as I did that both of the back straps on either side of the bag snap and it all falls to the ground.
The man sitting in front of us, who had heard/evesdropped on my original story to bossS says : Is she really riding on this plane?
When we stopped in Dallas B tried to "help" (mock) my plight with my brief case by tying the two remaining handles in a knot for me so that I could once again hold my brief case on my shoulder. Which I did for a while, though every time I turned my head one of the stray strap ends would rub against my cheek. (But I thought that was funny)
24 hours later when we were going back through Dallas and bossS was getting our boarding passes -to my surprise- the other two straps suddenly snapped off!
We all laughed as I crammed the faulty straps into the nearest trash can and carried my brief case the rest of the trip like a girl carries her books through the hall between classes and since I have arms and legs that still work perfectly, all was good in my world.

This is great info to know.