My son gets in tonight at 11:40 pm.
Yes, thats kind-of late.
I know.
Yesterday afternoon on the phone I said something to him like.. "I'm so excited that I'm going to see you tomorrow..." to which he said "Yea for like twenty minutes of tomorrow."
Well ok, but I had a plan this time.
I'm calling it The Guilt Free plan.
One of my co-managers told me it doesn't make sense to her that I'm not Catholic.
I don't know about all of that, but I do know that every time he comes to visit- for the past few years that we have lived far apart anyway, it seems he spends most of the time he is here just hanging by himself because I'm always working.
Even if I just went through a long spell of having a lot of free time if he comes to visit it will cinch it that I will go into a serious busy streak. The last couple of times he has come we have had state inspections at work or corporate interventions and I have not only been working but working seriously long hours and when that has happened I have felt desperately guilty and like the worlds shittiest mom.
So this time I decided to try the guilt free plan. The plan that says why have him stay a week when I don't have a week to hang? Why not have him come for the days that I'm going to be off and I'll pay attention to him and let him practice driving my car, and check out apartments and schools and talk about stuff that interests him and test new video games and fix the brakes on my daughters car together and stuff like that... and when it's over, when it's time for me to work again send him packing. Send him home feeling loved and attended to instead of as an after thought- which he never ever is but this time I'll show it and I'll feel good about that.
And a good visit it was!