Back to work tomorrow...
I LOVE my work, my company is awesome, thoughtful even, the people I work with are great the work I do is meaningful, fun, challenging.
Can't ask for too much more than that out of a job.
It isn't really like work actually with the exception of when I have to go in and work because someone else isn't going to show, or almost worse, when I THINK I'm going to have to go in- like last weekend -
I was just getting ready to go into the last round when work called so I bailed out of the last round of our flight at the pre-release. (that I was actually doing really good in for once..)
There I was, alllll psyched out that I'm going to have to go in, I'm letting my family down and I have to ditch my plans; I'm bummed and teary eyed and then all of a sudden it turns out I didn't really have to go..
I enjoy this kind of 'lifercoaster' less and less as I grow in years and wisdom.
Every weekend I work all day on one of the two days my lover and (sometimes) my children, are home and I'm, well.... I'm working and their home.
I'm not bitching really- I want my job and I am sooo thankful for my employer - our family has what we need and personally, I do too.
I just miss spending the weekends with my family. With Nicholas.
That was one of my favorite things!
My new toon is named Aloestain. Which I thought sounded a little romantic for my evil doer, but Nicholas thought I was referring to a dirty joke by the name I picked... LOL!
I totally wasn't, but after the fact wished I had done it on purpose and it had been intentionally humorous.
Intentional humor is so much more intelligent!
Before we got started I ran to Starbucks and got us some coffee because I was in the mood for a steamy cup of Joe. Which even though it has now cooled to tepid is still mighty tasty. Only trouble is I need to stop sipping on it, because for one I need to be at work in the morning and if I toss and turn all night because I was still drinking coffee at 11:00 thats gonna suck, and possibly worse is the way my coffee is making me thirsty - so I keep chugging water, I feel similar to how a fish bowl must feel, all sloshy inside yet surprisingly unquenched...
My total was $3.33
The cashier commented that 3 must be my lucky number.
I responded by saying that I guessed it all depended on how you chose to look at it.
Much like Aspen's eye brows. ((LOL!))
Poor poor Aspen.

I took her yesterday to the WalMArt beauty shop right by our house to get her eye brows waxed. I did too, mine aren't great but I turned out decidedly better than she did.
It was actually amazing really. I called Nicholas to tell him I did that $21. Blockbuster rent one movie at a time thing... my son and I rented Cloverfield.. anyway I gabbed with him for like 2, perhaps three minutes, tops and then we got off the phone.
While we talked I wasn't watching Aspen, which makes it a little bit my fault.
The fact that I went on to pay the "lady" (another story) ((hormones are interesting btw)) that butchered my lovely daughters eyebrows was the second.
I'm such a wuss about refusing to pay people.
I am getting off the subject.
Thing is- I was only looking down for a short time like I said, and when I closed the phone and turned to look at Aspen, I gasped out loud... kind-of a screech/gasp.
Wide eyed Aspen gasped too and said Whaaa? Sitting up.
I caught myself and said - "I just didn't expect them to be soooo skinny!" (gulp)
I was referring of course to the place on her face where her eye brows were supposed to be.
The "lady" said hmmm? As if she hadn't noticed or I was crazy or something to that effect.
My kids are half Italian and to look at them, I think the only non-Italian features they truly have are my big stick out ears and hammer toes and needless to say the girls are unflatteringly hairy.
You know, to be female and hairy isn't really good.
How come some guys get away with being almost hairless and we poor women even tend to get hairier as we age?
At my age poor Aspen is probably going to look like a wookie if she hasn't had laser therapy or some invasive hair removing therapy before then.
I know for me at the ripe old age of 37, I have to shave on a daily basis now to stay smooth and lovely.
I DON'T... but if it was important to stay smooth and lovely I sure would have to!
Anyway, Aspen's eye brows had to have been nearly an inch thick to begin with... we just wanted them shaped.. we were really clear. I had even outlined the shape we were looking for with my finger before she started.
I don't have a picture of the way poor Aspen ended up and frankly, if I did, she would kill me for putting it up.
Though she would also have to know I am blogging about it .. hmmm...
but anyway, her eye brows ended up as skinny as this equal sign --> = top to bottom...
no kidding.. to which I boldly stated just goes to prove that not every man can be woman!
Everyone in the family room heard me.
My son flew back to Colorado today.
He called to say he landed ok- a baby cried but the flight wasn't bump until landing.
Phew- he's afraid of flying.
I was so very happy to have him come out and visit me this week!
It was everything I wanted.
I did the things that were important to me to do with him, no guilt and I got to see himand enjoyed his presence, his company, his views...
What a relief!
It is hard to get used to being strong enough to have your child living far away from you.
Almost as hard as it is to steer them in the right direction.
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