I didn't photograph how peaceful our bed looked as I climbed into it for something like a 3 hour nap early this afternoon before I showered and ventured back out into the world.
I was the third car in line making a left hand turn onto a divided side street over by the Palazzo movie theatre because I was heading to the bank which shares the same parking lot. The sun was at an odd angle I guess because the first two cars completely missed the left where they should have turned and instead turned on the left side of the median- which meant they were driving the wrong way down the road. It was really strange looking to me, even more strange that I saw 4 or 5 of the cars behind me followed them instead of me onto the wrong side of the road?
As I was beginning to make my turn to get where I was going I could see they were all making swift left hand turns into the other bank parking lot and got turned around I guess.
But anyway, I didn't take any pictures of that either.
After I dropped Raechel off for her Youth Group Retreat thing, it was getting pretty dark so I didn't take pictures of dropping Aspen at her friends house to help babysit or stopping at Hen House to buy a magazine so that when it turned out Panera Bread was already closed I would have something to read while I was at Kobe Steak and Sushi over a bowl of combination fried rice or when I picked Aspen back up and came home to talk with Nicholas before he went to bed for the night.
My day wasn't exactly exciting or very eventful or anything like that but examining different moments in my day through the lens of my camera put it all in a little bit different prospective for me. Pausing in the chill air to try and capture a photo of a tree that struck me as beautiful in one of our neighboring yards put a slower spin on my day and I appreciated the slow down.
I have a very good life. Even when I'm missing my husband on a slow day off. Life is very good.
LOVED this posting! Great pix!