Now playing: Jack Johnson - Banana Pancakes
via FoxyTunes

There were certain things that attracted me to him and kept me completely fixated.

The first thing of course,
(since we met online)
was his writing.
Not the fact that he could write.
It was his style.
His brilliance!
The things he talked about and the words that he picked piqued my curiosity to find out who the man behind the keyboard was.
And then I did.

Then it was the way being near him felt sooo familiar as if he were created just for me, right down to the very smell of him.
For me, it still is "that" today.
Now, he does pick some pretty snazzy cologne but it wasn’t that which I’m talking about and it was that too, mixed with the smell of his warm skin under my nose.
The pure perfection of him.
I have spent many moments through many months and several years resting my nose on the skin of his arm or his chest or his head trying to sniff up every bit of the wonderful smell of HIM.
I know you know what I mean.
I could have made a career of loving him and been a blissfully content woman.
I can look back on things in our relationship I loved then and see how it evolved into how I love feeling now.
59 months later.
Today will be our 59’th monthiversary.
Monthiversary’s are what we have celebrated in both big and small ways on the 7’th of every single month since we started dating.
I had (embarrassingly) actually thought it was our 60’th monthiversary this month but quickly came to realize that I must have become fouled up somewhere along the line because 60 months equals 5 years and 5 years for us will officially be on December 7’th, 2008.
Which goes to show how truly lame my Math skills really are.
So anyway- prior to having the great revelation which I just shared, above, I had an idea to Google “60 months” and see what all would come up.
The first thing that came up was :
60 months= 5 years
(Hence my revelation)
Then, I typed in 59 months. Nothin fun.
Then (pipe in music)
I typed in December 7 and came upon i n f o r m a t i o n that for my avid followers will be as interesting and mind boggling as it was for me…. although the significance may not hit you all at once.
Give it a moment.
What Google produced for me was this:
December 7 is the 341st day of the year (342nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 24 days remaining until the end of the year.
December 7 is the 341st day of the year (342nd in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 24 days remaining until the end of the year.
341………. I thought to myself.
And in my usual style
My next thought was:
3 + 4 + 1 = 8
I was really surprised!
I had made such a big deal about the “8’s” in our wedding date -
not even really knowing why 8 would be significant to us anyhow … (?)
and I hadn’t even realized the absolute perfection of the way it all came together until just that very moment on our 59 mothinversary eve and it made me feel good to find it out!
So what does this all mean?????
Nothing really I spose, except for meaning that I am crazy about my husband.
And I miss him and can't wait to have him back home.
Tomorrow I'm going to do something pleasing to me.
I don't know what but I intend to spend the day doing things that feel good to me because
1. This week has sucked and even if it hadn't it would still be the right thing to do!
2. In honor of our 59 monthiversary (insert big kissy lips)
((my husband is also incredibly good at finding awesome pictures of luscious kissy lips))
3. So I am more entertaining to talk to.
A very important trait in a woman.
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