But the 27'th! Ah, July 27' th!
Now that was the day we met face to face at the KCSingles BBQ event at Shawnee Mission Lake which is why I was asking him to meet me for coffee on July 28'th. ;)

At any rate, when I opened our vault what did I see laying on top?
I haven't been able to find it and have been looking for it everywhere, for months now!
Here it is:

We are getting married on a Thursday evening and everyone wants to know why.
Our air sick bag is why.
Here is how it began: We wanted to have a date that was significant to our relationship but we wanted to have our wedding in the spring or summer time. Our monthiversary is always on the 7'th of the month, so that would have been perfect, but my Mom and Dad left for Italy on June 6'th which wiped out the month of June and then my girls spend the summer with their Dad which knocked out both July and August 7'th. (Actually they are coming back a little earlier this year, so the 7'th would have worked, but I couldn't have known that then and I'm hardly ready now anyhow. )
SO anyway, the challenge was to come up with a significant date during these months, and there simply wasn't one.
Insert: Glorious Air Sick Bag!
So here is the break down lest I never have to try and remember it all to explain it again:
1. At the time of initiation it was nearly our 4 year anniversary, (48 months) so based on that upcoming significant event I wrote down the date:
12 07 07
I added those numbers together
1+2+7+7 = 17
2. But 17 is a double number so you have to add it together again to get a single number- which I did.
1+7 = 8
Thats how I got the month of August (8)
3. Then I thought "Hrmmm.... I wonder how many months it'll be from our anniversary until August?"
So I counted it up and from December to August was 8 months
4. So I added the 8 months between December & August, plus our 48 months anniversary
(see #1)
48+8 =56
5. But 56 is a double number so I had to break it down to a single number
5+6 = 11
6. But, you guessed it, 11 is a double number so I had to break it down too.
1+1 =2
Thats where I got the number 2 in our wedding date from.
7. Then I wrote our first and middle names as they will be when we are married.
For me, when I get married my maiden name becomes my middle name.
8. So Nicholas had 12 letters (1+2= 3)
9. I had 14 (1+4=5)
I took both of our numbers and put them together
3+5 = 8
Thats where I got the other 8 from and now I had our wedding date because I knew we were getting married in 2008.
10. Then, just to "check" myself, (as if I actually could) or out of curiosity since I had been diddling with all of these mysterious numbers I decided to see what I would get if I added up our date.... so I did.
8+2+8+08 = 26
11. Which of course is a double number, so you know what to do-
2+6= 8
Which somehow just seemed really right to me.
12. Then I looked up the date and it turned out is was a Thursday- who gets married on a Thursday? No one apparently, but I thought to myself that if I went to that length to find a date of significance for us to marry each other on, and found one, we should just do it that day and not wait for a Saturday and so thats just what we did!
One thing that July 28'th DID represent was the exactly one month until our wedding count down. Every day since then it has been less than a month until we are getting married.
And there you have it.

Makes more sense than most wedding date stories. And most of them don't include an AIR SICK BAG.