Is there not such a thing as public toilet etiquette?
I pose the question, because it seems that no matter where I go, I must pass stall after stall in a maddening search to find one, that looks decent enough for me to hover over. Just one!
Anymore, I can only actually sit on a public commode if I am intoxicated.
Do you have this same problem?
A pertinent tid-bit to this line of conversation is the fact that apparently, if you are a hoverer, chances are strong you will be unable to fully void. Which is distastefully unhealthy by the way...
But what's a girl to do?
It used to be that (particularly if I picked the first stall) I may have to pass up one or two loathsome toilets when entering a public bathroom. Eww! Still, most of the time, over many years, I have had my pick of adequate facilities, with little exertion in the search- though not anymore!
Frequently I notice that I am scouring public bathrooms to simply find one passable stall and in my opinion, this new occurrence is completely gross.
Whatever happened to Mom's and Dad's teaching their kids to flush?
Don't they do that anymore?
Don't we, as a society flush anymore??
It used to be:
1. wipe
2. flush (and that was pretty reasonable.)
Not tooooo invasive, not asking too much.
Please! Support flushing toilets in your area.
Every little bit helps.
Too many times, I try in vain to flush and the commode refuses to cooperate.