I decided last night that I was going to sit down and write my top 3 “Phrases To Live By” but as I was trying to decide which ones I would pick, it turns out that I really have a lot that I focus on regularly. No phrase being much more important than another and each being a phrase I have heard or created for myself (or a situation) at various times in my life. Usually in the harder times when I grew the most as an adult and sometimes right after a very difficult time of growing & change when everything in my world looked and smelled glorious!
So here are my top 30.
Favorite Phrases To Live By:
• I love you!
• I am SO happy I married you!
• If you do the same thing you always do you will get the same thing that you always get.
• Act as if and it will become you
• Breathe
• There is a moment in many situations where the best thing to do is the thing you most fear. It is genuinely good to know what you have.
• I am worthy
• Always do your best.
• If you are mean and don’t like your life or the world, it is a blessing that you walk away.
• There is no question you will succeed with all that you most desire.
• Excitement and fear are the same feeling one just has a more positive spin.
• I adore you.
• Some people are always looking for Gods approval before they act because they aren’t naturally inclined to be good natured without God as the excuse.
• Good morning babeeee.
• If I’m going to be forgiving later, I should just do it now.
• Suck it in.
• I am beautiful
• I can do anything in this life that I desire there are certain things I simply choose not to do.
• Everything matters somehow.
• We choose most of the situations & events in our lives.
• A prayer is a fervent wish of what already IS.
• I don’t know what is going to happen but I’m really excited to find out!
• The unknown is life’s version of excitement and should not be missed.
• There is nothing wrong in this moment.
• I know I can do it.
• If I could be with you right now I would HUG you!
• “Because you are afraid,” isn’t a good enough excuse not to do anything. (as long as it doesn’t involve possibly ending your life)
• Courage means being horribly afraid to do something and then to do it anyway.
• If you don’t like something then change it, if it isn’t clean enough, pretty enough, worthy enough, aromatic enough, shiny enough, smart enough, blue enough, new enough, expensive enough, realistic enough, then do something about it; don’t wait for someone else to do it & don’t have your only constructive contribution be your ability to bitch.
• Be someone others can count on.
• If you are always late you are not someone others can count on.
• Isn’t it amazing everything that we went through to get to here?
I’m not much for New Years resolutions.
Don’t get me wrong, I am all about changing (when it is necessary –or fun)
I simply think if you know something needs changing you’ll get around to it when you finally commit to the idea. For me, it is usually when I feel completely fed up with thinking the same things over and over and over. (Seek phrase to live by #3)
Here are the things I am currently focused on for 2009:
• I have to find a way to get in the habit of living healthy.
• I want to be very focused on surrounding myself with things that I think are beautiful or bring me joy or comfort instead of clutter because I had to merely have something.
• I have to get my degree so when I finish my Executive Director in Training program not having it won’t continue to be the one thing holding me back in my career.
• I have to do more romantic things for my husband.
• I have to plan better so we can go on little get a ways more often.
• Nicholas and I have agreed to read one book a week, together, but separately and he wants to journal every day, but I am not sure I want to commit to that yet. I’m thinking about it.
Good brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you as your information.